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Remember the last time you were at a party, with a small crowd gathered around the food and drinks, and your friend was telling a riveting tale? Their animated storytelling held your attention and had you hanging on the edge of your seat, laughing out loud.

Storytelling in your marketing is one of the fastest ways to build a connection with your audience, because a compelling story can create strong emotional ties. A carefully crafted narrative can empower your audience to try new things, inspire them to take on challenges, and provide a way to relate to your brand.

If buyers like your brand story, 15% will purchase your product or service immediately, and 55% are more likely to buy from you in the future. This will help drive your sales and your return on investment (ROI), while also improving your brand awareness.

A relatable and memorable story will encourage 44% of your audience to share it, broadening your number of viewers and your brand’s reach. By artfully showcasing the real people behind your company, you can strengthen your audience’s sense of relatability and trust through authentic engagement.

Here are 3 ways to leverage the stories of the people behind your company in your marketing.

3 Stories to Share in Your Brand Marketing

1. Origin stories

Everyone loves a superhero origin story. It’s time to tap into yours. How did your brand start? Consider the idea, vision, or accidental discovery that sparked the company you’ve created. Don’t underestimate the importance of clearly stating your purpose, values, and mission, because consumers want to know if your brand’s values align with their.

The key element of your origin story should focus on why your brand came to be. Use this opportunity to set yourself apart from competitors who offer similar products or services, and compel consumers to support your mission.

2. Founder stories

Who is the driving force behind your organization? Consumers want to support people they like, identify with, or admire—not a faceless corporation. Share about your experiences that led to starting your brand, and don’t be afraid to dive into the trials and tribulations that you encountered. Failure can be relatable and perseverance is inspirational, but stick to the truth and avoid embellishing your journey.

A strong founder story will also help with recruitment for your company. Smaller organizations and start-ups who haven’t generated brand awareness yet can attract great employees by telling a founder story that’s relatable and captivating.

3. Employee stories

What kind of narrative does your workplace tell? Your company culture can be powerfully shaped and influenced by your employees’ stories. When you delve into what they have to say about your organization, you’ll receive a lot of information about what currently sets the tone for your culture.

Recognize positive contributions, and provide a platform for a diverse range of employees to share their experiences. Sharing positive, inspiring messages will improve and strengthen your brand, as well as create transparency with your audience. You may also rely on brand ambassadors to give a new perspective to your products or services.

Brand ambassadors are a popular way to boost your sales and website traffic through credible spokespeople who humanize your company. Leveraging their relationship with their online following, brand ambassadors use social media to spread the word about your brand, products, and services.

Master storytelling to create impact

A story that resonates is vital to building a legion of loyal and trusting fans who sing your company’s praises. Ready to share your brand’s narrative, but struggling to find the perfect message? Let’s chat about it.